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The Alcyone Reading

The Alcyone Reading

Insight and clarity from your higher self and spirit team about your everyday life, goals, and challenges.

What may come through in a session

* Messages from your spirit guides
* Clarity on everyday challenges
* Innate spiritual gifts (that come easily to you)
* Spiritual connections - galactic, angelic, elemental
* Karmic relationships (past life connections to 
   people presently in your life) 
* Supportive information & ideas for your business
* And more!

Quite simply, my goal in every reading is for you to feel truly seen at a soul level while bringing hope, healing, clarity and excitement about your future.

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What to know before a session:

What to know before a session:

Click Here Learn how to prepare for your reading and how to ask the BEST questions


Book a Session

Readings are virtual unless you live in Metro Atlanta & indicate you would like to meet in person

Session Length: 60 minutes

Session Price: $122   


Check out our availability and book the date and time that works for you




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When you sign up for a session you will submit three questions. Before our session, and with your permission, I will meditate and download information.



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At the start of the reading we will open your akashic records with a short prayer. We'll review the download information that came through prior to our session. Then we’ll go through your three questions.



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You’ll receive your audio recording of the session & follow up information or recommendations 
These could be:

  • Practices, programs, healing modalities

  • Books/ podcasts/ videos

  • Referrals to other spiritual practitioners 

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She did a reading for ya girl, it’s the truth ya seeee

Spirits come through, pinpointed my my destinyyy

Akashic records downloading, past life, and the life I seeeek

Calm demeanor, honest, and she’s super sweeeet

After the reading, thinking what just happened, I could finally breatheee

It’s about the love for yourself and not just the stuff we seeee

Unlocking the noise, the depths, a true way to freeeee

Who I am, what I am, energy at lightning speeeed

True meaning of it all and this life we leaddd

A reading from stephanie, her name is stephanieeee

Connect with the universe, ask and you shall receiveee

Mind, body, spirit, now more that ever, really feeling freeee​​


By Jackie Boland July 2024

client Experiences

client Experiences

Stephanie is extremely talented. For the entire reading, I either had chills or my jaw was dropping at how accurate her reading was. You can tell she is really tapped into source and guides. I love how she is so kind and gentle in the way she provides you the information coming through. She really cares and is deeply passionate about what she does, it's easy to see. The reading gave me so much clarity and steps forward to improve my life. I felt a sigh of relief afterwards.
My grandfather also came through, which neither of us were expecting, and it was very powerful and moving. She is truly blessed beyond measure, and I can't wait for my next reading with her. I would recommend her to anyone I know!


My reading with Stephanie was so comforting. She explained what she was going to do and made me feel so welcome and relaxed. Her connection to source is so strong she was able to relay messages from a passed loved one. This was amazing to me!! We laughed because although it made no sense to Stephanie, it was a clear clear message for me!!

Stephanie’s reading also helped guide me in some questions I had for my career and relationships. She is a natural and I will definitely be booking another reading.


​​But wait… What the heck is Alcyone? 

Good question, frankly because I didn’t know either. Alcyone firstly comes from Greek mythology, but more aptly is used to represent my business because it is the brightest and most luminous star in the Pleides cluster of stars (known as the sever sisters). Many of you may be more familiar with the fact that it is also in the astrological constellation Taurus (in Western astrology I am a Taurus rising).


What I found out after the name was brought to me (story to follow on another day!) is that it’s said that the Akashic Records have an energetic location on Alcyone. Since I channel through the Akashic Records this makes so much sense and I am grateful that the name was brought to me. 


While you’re at it - what is Akasha too if you don’t mind?

The word Akasha comes from ancient Indian sanskrit meaning ether. Used as a noun today, it is the universal etheric field that is a field of energetic imprints of everything that existed, exists, and will exist. Wrap your brain around that baby.


Akasha is a concept used pretty much since the beginning of time and shows up in many religions including Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. In Judism and Christianity the definition differs slightly but is referenced as the “Book of Life”.

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